User profile: Silvermaul

User info
User name:Silvermaul
Name:Anastasiou Steven
Bio:MSE student
Joined:Dec 31, 2008 at 8:33pm
Number of posts:73
Latest posts:

No std::owstream_iterator?
Thanks for reply. I thought that std::wstring was taking care of wchar_t :o

No std::owstream_iterator?
Hi all, we all know that to print something to std::cout we can use : [code]std::vector<std::...

C++ Template question
[code]struct Base { template <class T=Base> struct Type { template <class Extender> str...

problem of scale?
What you are experiencing is arithmetic overflow. You are using a long long to compute some number...

GetExitCodeProcess returns random values?
Thanks for the reply @CodeMonkey. Stupid error is stupid. I get this now : displayMsg = 0x00157170 ...