User: Arnold Itsov

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User profile: Arnold Itsov

User info
User name:Arnold Itsov
Joined:Jan 24, 2015 at 4:43am
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Introductory programming philosophy: Authors
Bjarne Stroustrup most concise example of a program is "Hello, World!". If other authors would also ...

The names of various authors approaches to explaining the "Hello, World!" program
This hello world is from Programming Principles and practice using C++ 2nd edition by Stroustrup, th...

The names of various authors approaches to explaining the "Hello, World!" program
The purpose of this thread is to name various authors, and if possible, their approaches, to describ...

Stroustrup's intro to programming doesn't seem to be theoretically driven. What am I looking for?
Your assistance please. Name your book as well as the one you are most opposed to.

What is the most hardcore intro to programming book?
What is the most hardcore intro to programming book?

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