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User profile: JUAN DENT

User info
User name:JUAN DENT
Joined:Dec 4, 2015 at 6:03pm
Number of posts:326
Latest posts:

function call not recognized as constexpr unless function definition is in same translation unit
Thanks Peter87!

function call not recognized as constexpr unless function definition is in same translation unit
Hi, I have this definition in file a.cpp: [code] constexpr long fibonacci(long n) { return...

[Boost].DI template injection does not work as expected
For the include failure, just download from what compiler a...

[Boost].DI template injection does not work as expected
I am using Visual Studio 2019

[Boost].DI template injection does not work as expected
Sorry, code was: [code] #include <boost/di.hpp> namespace di = boost::di; template <class T = c...

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