User: glennyballs

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User profile: glennyballs

User info
User name:glennyballs
Joined:Sep 20, 2016 at 2:06pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol
I'm trying to write code to read and display 10 integer values from a text file. When I try to com...

Encryption/Decryption Function
Got it, thanks for all the help.

Encryption/Decryption Function
My encryption/decryption function will not run correctly. I am able to grab the command (encrypt or ...

HELP reading txt file
Below is a snippet of my code: int counter = 0; in.ignore(1000,':'); in >> dataFile; cout <<...

Getting errors and can't figure out why. PLZ HELP
got it! thanks for the help

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