User: SuperCrusader

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User profile: SuperCrusader

User info
User name:SuperCrusader
Joined:Mar 29, 2015 at 3:57pm
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Writing GUI Applications in C++
I am quite experienced with C++(programming for over 1 year),I know how to make CLI/Console Programs...

Building a terminal text-editor in C++
I am quite experienced with C++(programming for over 1 year already). But I cannot Wrap my mind aro...

Creating your own GUI library in C/C++
I wanted to make a GUI based program in C++ but i found everything too simple,non-standard C++ or i ...

It works for me,and i cannot see any bugs there,well sometimes IDE goes mad about "getline(cin,*vari...

How is C++ used for website server-side programming?
Oh,thanks in advance :D I think i'll check those and test it out :P

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