User: passiontrip

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User profile: passiontrip

User info
User name:passiontrip
Joined:May 30, 2018 at 5:22am
Number of posts:30
Latest posts:

Adding values in a list with an iterator
Oh wow that was an easy fix thank you very much!

Adding values in a list with an iterator
I'm looking to take the list and instead of going from 0-90 by 10 I would like it to go from 0-90 co...

Stopping a loop that takes an int with a letter
A few good concepts here I'll give each a try just to learn different methods. Thanks!

Stopping a loop that takes an int with a letter
When the user enters 'q' or 'Q' I want the program to exit the loop. What confuses me with this is ...

Accessing arrays in a class
Ok I see what you're saying but do I need to even make the arrays static? My instructions just want...

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