User: c2252011

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User profile: c2252011

User info
User name:c2252011
Joined:Feb 8, 2012 at 8:45am
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Using STL to count the number of occurence of english letter
thank you for your response! but i use (iss>>word) to input data

Using STL to count the number of occurence of english letter
Hi, The code is written to count the number of occurence of english letter from user's input. The...

4*4 Sudoku
Hi, I was asked to write a program,given board with some integers fixed, outputs a valid solution o...

[A or B win] using recursion
if there is 1 or 0 left when some one is about to take, then that some one is lost

[A or B win] using recursion
Hi There is a question asking A or B to take turns to take coins out off the pool. assume that the...

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