User: baranankara06

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User profile: baranankara06

User info
User name:baranankara06
Joined:Feb 28, 2012 at 3:08pm
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Subsets in C , Why does not work?? Please help..
Hi, I was trying to write a C program that lists all of the subsets of the set {1,2,...,n}. The prog...

Special Matrix, why doesnt work?? Please somebody help
I didnt understand when I first saw your code, I m still trying to figure out your code. You said y...

Special Matrix, why doesnt work?? Please somebody help
@Peter87 I tried to fix, but couldn't work. Line 18 and 19, When I start with 1, İt is becomin...

Special Matrix, why doesnt work?? Please somebody help
@Jacksion Marie Fırst, thanks for this code, İt works, but I have to write this code with [b]REC...

Special Matrix, why doesnt work?? Please somebody help
Write a C program that prepares an m×n matrix of integers whose first line contains integers from ...

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