User profile: NerdTastic

User info
User name:NerdTastic
Joined:Feb 8, 2012 at 4:03pm
Number of posts:181
Latest posts:

Sorting of Vowels and consonants via Linked Lists
Where are you getting stuck?

Basic misunderstanding of C-style strings
i THINK it's because an array modifies places in memory, not just one place. For example, when gree...

This thread is totally pointless.
Poor kid.

Weird output... not sure how to describe. Long code, be warned.
Yeah I can see that. I've just gone ahead and cleared them all in that function. Thanks for your hel...

Weird output... not sure how to describe. Long code, be warned.
Okay, so I put [code]parsed.clear();[/code] on a couple of different lines, to no avail. Using the o...