User: Ashishduh

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User profile: Ashishduh

User info
User name:Ashishduh
Joined:May 16, 2011 at 7:29pm
Number of posts:54
Latest posts:

Need help on the arrays project =[
Check my previous post, I edited it. You need to pass in an array, not just a float. Also, make su...

Need help on the arrays project =[
[code] float calc_HotDogs( [b]float HotDogs_Sales[][/b], int NUM ) { float HotDogs_Total_Sales = ...

Hangman game function issue
Instead of looping through the word, character by character, why not just use the find function of s...

Number to Date forumla help
There really is no formula for this because of the randomness of days per month. If every month had...

Need help on the arrays project =[
Your program looks good so far. Now you just need to find the total of each array, find the max of ...

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