User: nazis

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User profile: nazis

User info
User name:nazis
Joined:Oct 27, 2015 at 9:32am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Problem with a program, help please!
My program finds the secondsmallest number in an array, but when user inputs " 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 2; 3" pro...

Prime number | homework
In the loop condition probably, Ty a lot guys, gona try it at home, and yea if someone have other id...

Prime number | homework
Hmm, mkay and where should I put the prime number checking code?

Prime number | homework
Thanks, btw, is an array needed to check the current loop position?

Prime number | homework
Hola, so recently I started my programming course and I am not good at it yet. So let's get into t...

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