User: Shahmeer

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User profile: Shahmeer

User info
User name:Shahmeer
Name:Muhammad Shahmeer Athar
Location:Lahore, Pakistan
Bio:Only 11 years old and already starting to learn C++!
Joined:Jun 21, 2012 at 2:37pm
Number of posts:33
Latest posts:

Linking .cpp Files
So there's another thing I've been trying to do without success. When the user finishes using one pr...

Linking .cpp Files
I am trying to achieve something like the Mac OS X Terminal App.

Linking .cpp Files
Hi! I have made many small apps. A calculator, a game and many more, all text based. I want to make ...

Normal C++ VS C++11
Is there any differences in the code? Or maybe does it add new libraries etc?

Normal C++ VS C++11
Sorry, I did write[code]using namespace std;[/code] but forgot to mention it. When I was downloading...

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