User: rite2bobby

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User profile: rite2bobby

User info
User name:rite2bobby
Joined:Jan 25, 2008 at 6:31pm
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

C++ help, homework Question
Ok, I won't ask the teacher. Thanks for your help. Learned a lot of tips.

C++ help, homework Question
well, my class is a beginner class and the teacher said we cannot use code we have not covered and o...

C++ Homework question
how about int spacepos = fullname.find(' '); string fn = fullname.subtr(spacepos, 100); int...

C++ help, homework Question
how about int spacepos = fullname.find(' '); string fn = fullname.subtr(spacepos, 100); int...

C++ help, homework Question
ok that is great with the int spacPos2 = fullname.rfind(' ');......// but i cant use .rfind to find ...

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