User: muzhogg

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User profile: muzhogg

User info
User name:muzhogg
Joined:Jan 18, 2008 at 6:47pm
Number of posts:51
Latest posts:

Help with 'seat arrangement' code
This should have been asked in a new thread as it has nothing to do with the original question, but ...

At the end of my rope with C++ *that includes Visual C++
One of the problems with GUI's is that they are system specific. So whereas plain ol' console (t...

beginner study group C++
The "edit" link is for when (not if!) you make a mistake in one of your posts and need to go back to...

The Purpose of Pointers
Actually, pointers (and pointers to pointers!) are one of the most useful tools that C++ has to offe...

even/odd program help
Of course using functions alters how you solve the problem. Of course you have to use parameters....

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