User profile: Trojan

User info
User name:Trojan
Bio:Love computers and video games. I DO NOT HACK OR CHEAT ON VIDEO GAMES. However I would love to learn how to hack into PC's.
Joined:Mar 1, 2008 at 6:23am
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Opening files
What do you mean with a filename in command mode? Also, that code only shows the saved files I've wr...

Opening files
thanks! How do I switch to command mode? Also this only pops programs I've already written through d...

Opening files
Can anyone post the code or email me a code that will allow me to open a file through the command pr...

beginner study group C++
Hello everyone, I'd like to get in on this to. Email is bluewave, what is the li...

quick question
can you please email me about these code changes you made? I'd like to learn how to incorperate them...