Eclipse SDK

Jul 1, 2010 at 8:46am
This might be a little off-topic and noobish, but is there a way to automate Eclipse CDT more? Like make it compile resource files and embbed them on itself. Or is there a setting for those kinds of things somewhere that i can't find?

Thanks, LoLFactor
Jul 1, 2010 at 10:57am
Did you mean like opening .cpp files directly into the eclipse?
Jul 1, 2010 at 11:35am
No, i meant automating more of the project tasks like embeddeing res files into dll, and exes, havin custom output paths for .libs and .exes amd all the sorts, but without makefiles.
Jul 2, 2010 at 12:49pm
TO undesratnd...i used the pre-build feature with this command:
windres -i res.rc -J rc -o res.res -O coff so i could compile my resource script. Problem is:

windres -i res.rc -J rc -o res.res -O coff
gcc: res.rc: No such file or directory
gcc: warning: `-x c' after last input file has no effect
gcc: no input files
windres: preprocessing failed.
Build error occurred, build is stopped 

Any ideas?
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