User: LoLFactor

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User profile: LoLFactor

User info
User name:LoLFactor
Name:Pascu Vlad
Bio:Still learning.......
Statistical data
Birthdate:May 9, 1991
Learning C++ in school....PHP is an individual study...
Joined:Feb 15, 2008 at 4:19pm
Number of posts:76
Latest posts:

Virtual member function overriding
Is there any way to do something like this? [code] class Base { public virtual void Get() = 0...

SVN Revision
I recently decided to move my projects to a repository. Makes everything cleaner. Only problem is th...

Eclipse SDK
TO undesratnd...i used the pre-build feature with this command: [code]windres -i res.rc -J rc -o re...

Eclipse SDK
No, i meant automating more of the project tasks like embeddeing res files into dll, and exes, havin...

Eclipse SDK
This might be a little off-topic and noobish, but is there a way to automate Eclipse CDT more? Like ...

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