User profile: buddha87

User info
User name:buddha87
Joined:Aug 5, 2014 at 2:24pm
Number of posts:58
Latest posts:

What is mean of #name ?
Thank you for reply. So it means it will convert hello as a variable to a string which is the variab...

What is mean of #name ?
I saw some codes using macro definition to define a function alais. But I don't understand why it pu...

initialize a class object in initializer list
Thank you!

initialize a class object in initializer list
OK, I try all of these. All of them are legal. So for 3, is the procedure as: (1) A() created an i...

initialize a class object in initializer list
Hi dhayden, Yes, I agree. I will do a small test to figure out. But actually, I am more interested ...