


All exceptions
This macro expands to a value of type int that combines the value of all the possible floating-point exceptions defined in <cfenv> (with bitwise OR).

If no floating-point exceptions are supported by the implementation, this macro is defined as 0 (zero).

It can be used on functions that expect a bitmask of possible floating point exceptions as one of its arguments: feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, or fetestexcept.

It is a combination of all of the possible floating-point exception macro values supported by the implementation, which may include any of following (plus any other additional implementation-specific exception):
It is a combination of all of the possible floating-point exception macro values supported by the implementation, which includes all of the following (plus any other additional implementation-specific exception):

macro valuedescription
FE_DIVBYZEROPole error: division by zero, or some other asymptotically infinite result (from finite arguments).
FE_INEXACTInexact: the result is not exact.
FE_INVALIDDomain error: At least one of the arguments is a value for which the function is not defined.
FE_OVERFLOWOverflow range error: The result is too large in magnitude to be represented as a value of the return type.
FE_UNDERFLOWUnderflow range error: The result is too small in magnitude to be represented as a value of the return type.

See also