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float strtof (const char* str, char** endptr);
. If endptr is not a null pointer, the function also sets the value of endptr to point to the first character after the number."C"
locale is formed by an optional sign character (+
or -
), followed by one of:.
), optionally followed by an exponent part (an e
or E
character followed by an optional sign and a sequence of digits).0x
or 0X
prefix, then a sequence of hexadecimal digits (as in isxdigit) optionally containing a period which separates the whole and fractional number parts. Optionally followed by a power of 2 exponent (a p
or P
character followed by an optional sign and a sequence of hexadecimal digits).INF
(ignoring case).NAN
or NAN
sequence (ignoring case), where sequence is a sequence of characters, where each character is either an alphanumeric character (as in isalnum) or the underscore character (_
, whose value is set by the function to the next character in str after the numerical value.float
One martian year takes 1.88 Earth years. |