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(in any order), which are:Member | Type | Meaning | Range |
tm_sec | int | seconds after the minute | 0-61* |
tm_min | int | minutes after the hour | 0-59 |
tm_hour | int | hours since midnight | 0-23 |
tm_mday | int | day of the month | 1-31 |
tm_mon | int | months since January | 0-11 |
tm_year | int | years since 1900 | |
tm_wday | int | days since Sunday | 0-6 |
tm_yday | int | days since January 1 | 0-365 |
tm_isdst | int | Daylight Saving Time flag | |
Member | Type | Meaning | Range |
tm_sec | int | seconds after the minute | 0-60* |
tm_min | int | minutes after the hour | 0-59 |
tm_hour | int | hours since midnight | 0-23 |
tm_mday | int | day of the month | 1-31 |
tm_mon | int | months since January | 0-11 |
tm_year | int | years since 1900 | |
tm_wday | int | days since Sunday | 0-6 |
tm_yday | int | days since January 1 | 0-365 |
tm_isdst | int | Daylight Saving Time flag | |
. The extra range is to accommodate for leap seconds in certain systems.