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default (1) | ofstream(); |
initialization (2) | explicit ofstream (const char* filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); |
default (1) | ofstream(); |
initialization (2) | explicit ofstream (const char* filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);explicit ofstream (const string& filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); |
copy (3) | ofstream (const ofstream&) = delete; |
move (4) | ofstream (ofstream&& x); |
member constant | stands for | access |
in | input | File open for reading: the internal stream buffer supports input operations. |
out * | output | File open for writing: the internal stream buffer supports output operations. |
binary | binary | Operations are performed in binary mode rather than text. |
ate | at end | The output position starts at the end of the file. |
app | append | All output operations happen at the end of the file, appending to its existing contents. |
trunc | truncate | Any contents that existed in the file before it is open are discarded. |