


typedef basic_ofstream<char> ofstream;
Output file stream

Output stream class to operate on files.

Objects of this class maintain a filebuf object as their internal stream buffer, which performs input/output operations on the file they are associated with (if any).

File streams are associated with files either on construction, or by calling member open.

This is an instantiation of basic_ofstream with the following template parameters:
template parameterdefinitioncomments
charTcharAliased as member char_type
traitschar_traits<char>Aliased as member traits_type

Apart from the internal file stream buffer, objects of this class keep a set of internal fields inherited from ios_base, ios and istream:

fieldmember functionsdescription
Formattingformat flagsflags
A set of internal flags that affect how certain input/output operations are interpreted or generated.
See member type fmtflags.
field widthwidthWidth of the next formatted element to insert.
display precisionprecisionDecimal precision for the next floating-point value inserted.
The locale object used by the function for formatted input/output operations affected by localization properties.
fill characterfillCharacter to pad a formatted field up to the field width (width).
Stateerror staterdstate
The current error state of the stream.
Individual values may be obtained by calling good, eof, fail and bad.
See member type iostate.
exception maskexceptionsThe state flags for which a failure exception is thrown.
See member type iostate.
Othercallback stackregister_callbackStack of pointers to functions that are called when certain events occur.
extensible arraysiword
Internal arrays to store objects of type long and void*.
tied streamtiePointer to output stream that is flushed before each i/o operation on this stream.
stream bufferrdbufPointer to the associated streambuf object, which is charge of all input/output operations.
character countgcountCount of characters read by last unformatted input operation.

Member types

The class declares the following member types:
member typedefinition

These member types are inherited from its base classes ostream and ios_base:

Public member functions

Public member functions inherited from ostream

Public member functions inherited from ios

Public member functions inherited from ios_base

Non-member function overloads